Monday, October 31, 2011

Cabo San Lucas

Alright, people. It's time for me to share my excitement over something that is completely unrelated to a baby. Pictured above is just a small portion of Riu Palace in Cabo San Lucas. This is also where I will be in 10 days from now - in this very pool.

No, really. I'm serious.

Brian was one of the winners of a contest at work and this was the prize - an all inclusive vacation for two to CABO!!! We've actually known about it for over a month now, but when I got the news I was so sick that I didn't even want to think about traveling - especially not in an airplane. And, at that point in the pregnancy, I was so sick that I was convinced I would never come out of it. But lo and behold, a month later and I'm feeling like a million bucks. Well, maybe not a million, but any large sum of money will do. Pretty much all of the nausea has left me over the last couple of weeks, and all the other weirdo side effects of pregnancy have at least softened a bit. So now I'm REALLY excited for a paid-for vacation!

Above is a broader picture of the "palace".

And this is where I'll be sleeping. Well, maybe. There are a few different suites and I have no idea which one we'll be in. This is the most quaint of all the pictures of the rooms I saw online, so I'm assuming this is it. And, if we end up getting one of the more luxurious rooms, I'll just be pleasantly surprised :) However, this looks luxurious enough for me.

This is one of the many eating places in the resort. I plan on visiting ALL of them. I also plan on eating my weight in tropical fruit. And, that's a lot of weight now :)

Said fruit.

This is where I'll be relaxing, or leisurely swimming, while I, again, consume my weight in tropical fruits. This time in the form of slushy drinks.

At least I know the option is there. Not making any promises.

The only problem with this entire vacation is I do not own a maternity swimsuit. Nor do I want to purchase one for this lone event.

Friday, October 28, 2011


Boy! It's a boy! BOY, BOY, BOY! Pretty cool, huh? We went in for the sonogram yesterday morning and found out that there's definitely a small boy in my stomach. He was so stinking cute. I think he's going to be just like me. Speculation? Of course. But, he would stretch all the way out - arms above his head and legs straight out. Then he'd switch positions and put his legs up on the side of my uterus. Then he'd stretch out again and flip over and do the same thing on the other side. He was just moving all around, getting comfy and chillin' just like I do when I'm lounging or in bed. The leg thing is especially familiar.

However, while we were in the sonogram room, Brian became a little antsy to tell his family. And, that was a contagious feeling, so I consented and we ended up forgoing the cupcake idea and just called our families to tell them the news. At the end, Brian said, "But,
we can still eat cupcakes." I thought that was kind of funny.

Now we have to get serious at some point about picking out boy names. It's so hard, though. Brian and I have fundamentally different tastes in names. It just doesn't work. However, there is one name that I'm trying out in the back of my brain for a while to see if I still like it in a week - or a month. Sometimes I really like a name one day, and then dislike it the next. So, we'll see.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Baby cake

I'm going to start out by saying something that is unrelated to the rest of my post today: I love my in-laws. Really and truthfully, I can't even imagine having married into a better family. I even claim my grandparents-in-law as my own.

Okay, now onto business. Pregnancy business. I know, I know - how boring of me to blog about my pregnancy - again. But, alas, it cannot be helped. It's kind of my life right now - more or less. If it makes you feel any better, I don't talk about it very often in real life, nor do I even think about it all that much. In fact, I've been telling myself from day 1 to not get excited about this. So, for the last 18 weeks I've just felt sick, tired, and fat without letting myself really believe there is a baby growing inside of me - despite the sonograms.

This week may prove to be different. We find out the sex of this alleged baby on Thursday morning. If all goes well, I may actually take part in all this baby excitement. We haven't even bought anything yet - that's how closed off I have made myself. I just keep expecting the worst. This pregnancy has been totally normal, so I should have no reason to feel so skeptical, but I am obviously just scarred from the previous miscarriage - even though it was only in the first trimester.

Anyway, enough back story. If all goes well Thursday, we plan on revealing the sex of the baby to our families by backing cupcakes with white cake mix. In just one of the cupcakes I will place a blue or pink M&M in the center. All family members will receive said cupcakes and have to take a bite to find out! The person with the M&M cupcake will get to announce what we're having. At least this is how it works in my mind. I'm assuming baking an M&M into a cupcake will work out. And, hopefully the hard candy shell doesn't get totally absorbed by the chocolate of the M&M. I guess we'll find out.

Side note: I feel like my stomach is larger than it should be at 18 weeks. I guess I don't have much to compare it to. Maybe it's because all I want it sugar. And heavily seasoned french fries. Also, sugar. With some french fries. Ice cream, too, which is sugar plus dairy.