Thursday, August 4, 2011

Multiple Choice

I've decided my previous blog needs a rest, permanently. So much is happening, and is going to happen in the near future that I'm starting to feel like this is whole new chapter of life that we're entering into. So here's the run-down in the form of a multiple choice test. And anyone can try to take it! You have unlimited time, and you can ask your neighbor. And your time!

1) Brian recently received a promotion that is moving us out of Tennessee. We are being transferred to...
A) New Mexico
B) Texas
C) Oregon
D) France

2) We've already signed the lease on an apartment that is located five minutes from...
A) A water park
B) the beach
C) A famous museum
D) our families

3) I just found out that I have been hired on with a company where I can...
A) Work from home
B) learn a different language
C) get free lunch everyday
D) have a company car

4) We are gaining a new addition to our family! If all goes well, we will have...
A) A puppy
B) A baby
C) A fish
D) A kitten

Answers will be posted here at a date that is TBD.


  1. I am asking a neighbor, aka, you. :) Katie! That date needs to be now! Pretty much anyone of those choices is awesome! Well, there's nothing that special about New Mexico, but everything else. So what's going on??

  2. Haha, thanks guys! It IS exciting! I suppose I should post answers soon.
