Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Might As Well

I know I just posted this picture on facebook, but I figured I haven't updated in a while so I might as well throw one up here, as well. The picture is taken on my phone (obviously) so my skin looks orange and my shirt is actually off a shade, as well. But, I suppose that isn't the focal point, anyway. So, anyway, here I am at exactly 14 weeks. I feel like it's kinda large for just 14 weeks, but then again, my whole body became a little large for 14 weeks. This picture does not do my true weight gain justice - which I am perfectly okay with!

I don't know where my mind is today. I am truthfully very good at working from home, in that I am able to focus for hours and hours without getting distracted with other fun things around the house: phone, the internets, skype, food, household chores, naps, the pool downstairs, etc. Today, however, is another story. I keep finding myself at and facebook. At I refined my "interests" to baking and holiday decor, now that's all I can think of. Oh, and that picture above? Taken today. While I really should have been working. Granted, all is not lost - I can just sit at this computer for the rest of the night and knock out my work. I suppose that's why I decided to procrastinate today. Because I knew I could. Time management was never a skill I feel I really embraced throughout life.

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