Friday, October 28, 2011


Boy! It's a boy! BOY, BOY, BOY! Pretty cool, huh? We went in for the sonogram yesterday morning and found out that there's definitely a small boy in my stomach. He was so stinking cute. I think he's going to be just like me. Speculation? Of course. But, he would stretch all the way out - arms above his head and legs straight out. Then he'd switch positions and put his legs up on the side of my uterus. Then he'd stretch out again and flip over and do the same thing on the other side. He was just moving all around, getting comfy and chillin' just like I do when I'm lounging or in bed. The leg thing is especially familiar.

However, while we were in the sonogram room, Brian became a little antsy to tell his family. And, that was a contagious feeling, so I consented and we ended up forgoing the cupcake idea and just called our families to tell them the news. At the end, Brian said, "But,
we can still eat cupcakes." I thought that was kind of funny.

Now we have to get serious at some point about picking out boy names. It's so hard, though. Brian and I have fundamentally different tastes in names. It just doesn't work. However, there is one name that I'm trying out in the back of my brain for a while to see if I still like it in a week - or a month. Sometimes I really like a name one day, and then dislike it the next. So, we'll see.

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